What Will You Do On World Kindness Day?
Kicking off 14 weeks of kindness
This coming Monday, November 13, marks the 19th annual World Kindness Day. Originally dreamed up at a meeting in Japan of like-minded kindness movements from around the world, the celebration of good turns was created by the World Kindness Movement, a kind of international consortium of kindness organizations.
We are pleased to no end to know that there is such a consortium, of course, but the more important question is how to mark the day. It goes without saying that it’s a good day to practice kindness, of course (as is every day, for that matter). But if you’re lucky enough to be in New York, London, or Cape Town, you can attend events in those cities and join the crowds in a public celebration of kind acts and good deeds.
“With all of the recent tragedies and negative news stories, the world could use more kindness”
While the day itself is this coming Monday, the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation wants to help you keep kindness in mind for the next 14 weeks, from World Kindness Day all the way to Random Acts of Kindness Day on February 17, a season that spans Thanksgiving, Hannukah, Christmas, and into the new year. To that end, they’re launching a #CaptureKindness campaign and photo contest that asks participants to post a photo of one act of kindness they’ve done each week.
“With all of the recent tragedies and negative news stories, the world could use more kindness,” says Brooke Jones, Vice President of the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. “The Capture Kindness campaign is a free and fun way to make a difference, connect you back to your humanity, and remind each other how much love there is in the world.”
To give people that little nudge that’s sometimes needed, the Foundation has published a 14-week schedule:
- Week 1: Be Kind To Your Community
- Week 2: Be Kind To Your Family
- Week 3: Be Kind To Online
- Week 4: Be Kind To The Environment
- Week 5: Be Kind To Strangers
- Week 6: Be Kind To Or With Kids
- Week 7: Be Kind During The Holidays
- Week 8: Be Kind To Yourseld
- Week 9: Be Kind To Your Neighbors
- Week 10: Be Kind To Animals
- Week 11: Be Kind To Teachers
- Week 12: Be Kind To Seniors
- Week 13: Be Kind To Your Friends
- Week 14: Random Acts Of Kindness Week!
Posting a photo of your weekly act of kindness makes you eligible for prizes that the Foundation will be giving out, but that’s not the point. The point is that there’s always room for more kindness in the world, and there’s no better time than the holiday season to add to the good deeds being done around the world.
Posted November 10, 2017