Take Control Of The Zombie Hordes This Weekend For Charity
An online fundraiser lets you do good while having fun
It’s an amazing experience to be able to tell the stories of good deeds large and small here on Good Turns. From time to time, though, we also like to make it easier for our readers to do good deeds of their own, if they so choose. That’s especially the case when the opportunity for kindness comes from an unexpected quarter. This weekend presents a somewhat unique chance to help out a number of charities that do a range of work in the world of video games.
The One Gamer Fund brings together seven such charities, and is pulling together an online fundraiser this weekend to benefit the wide range of work they do—which includes everything from helping veterans and military services members, to helping children in hospitals and domestic violence shelters, to helping bring more diversity to the game development industry, and more. From now through September 24, you can benefit these game-related charities by buying games and merchandise, donating money, or helping to carry the message through social media.
To help you have the most fun while doing the most good, publisher Good Shepherd Entertainment is making more than a dozen of its games available at discounts of up to 90%, and donating half of all proceeds from this weekend’s sale to the One Gamer Fund. Available via Valve Software’s Steam service, the Good Shepherd games on offer include popular squad-based tactical action game Breach & Clear, zombie simulator Zombie Night Terror (in which you control the zombies, pictured above), and vehicle sims Train Fever and Transport Fever, among others. (There’s also Oh…Sir!! The Insult Simulator, but you don’t want to know what kind of verbal abuse is in store for you within that title.)
If for some reason you don’t care to play video games but still want to contribute, you can buy a One Gamer Fund t-shirt, or simply donate money on the One Gamer Fund site. But that’s no fun.
“We’re pumped that Good Shepherd is so willing to help charities,” said Seven Siegel, executive director of the Global Game Jam, one of the participating charities. All are registered 501(c)3 organizations, and work to support gamers and/or game-makers in different ways:
- AbleGamers works to improve accessibility in video games so that everyone can have a great gaming experience.
- Child’s Play improves the lives of children in hospitals and domestic violence shelters through the power of play.
- Games for Change empowers game creators and social innovators to drive real-world change through games.
- The Global Game Jam is a worldwide initiative, culminating in an event held every January, to introduce the joy of making games to individuals and communities around the world.
- The IGDA Foundation works to support diversity and inclusivity in game development through its scholarships and other programs, increasing the funnel of diverse talent entering game development, helping companies create a more inclusive environment, and retaining diverse talent already in the industry.
- Stack-Up supports military service members and veterans through their love of video games, bringing veterans to gaming events and providing video games to military servicemen around the world.
- Take This works to educate, inform, and advocate for game developers and gamers about mental health issues.
So when you’re thinking about what kind of entertainment is going to get you through this weekend, see if you can find it in your heart to do some good by having some fun. Everyone comes out a winner.
Posted September 22, 2017