
Spy Optic and CGC in the Spotlight at IRCE

June 15, 2018 by Sven Tarantik

We just wrapped up a great events season with IRCE and Salesforce Connections in Chicago. We were fortunate to have several partners speaking at the events and we’re happy to share their great presentations with you. The first comes from Ben Johnson of Spy Optic, who speaks about how they used CGC to boost their sales—at an even higher rate than discounts! Check out how in the 10-minute video below.



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Tombow Shares Tips on CGC at Magento Imagine

April 27, 2018 by Sven Tarantik

We just returned from a great week at Magento Imagine 2018! One of the highlights was hearing Brittany Graham of Tombow share her story on how they leverage customer generated content. We couldn’t be more thrilled about our relationship with Tombow, what a great story!

Check out the video below:


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The Unexpected Benefits of the Review Solicitation Email [Case Study:]

October 16, 2015 by George Eberstadt

You probably know that sending an email post-purchase to request a product review is critical to getting a healthy volume of reviews. But you may not know that it’s also essential for ensuring that the sentiment of the reviews you collect fairly represents the sentiment of your customer base, overall.

Here’s an example from After switching to TurnTo for ratings & reviews, there was a period of 6 weeks when they were not sending out review solicitation emails (RSEs); the only reviews they collected were from shoppers who returned to their site, on their own, to submit one. Then Jockey turned on the RSEs. Not surprisingly, the volume of reviews they collected increased by 7X.jockey logo

But here was the surprise: the average rating also improved – by over half a star, from under 3.8 to over 4.3! That’s a huge improvement, with the critical benefit of accurately signaling to shoppers the high quality of Jockey products.

Why the improvement in average star ratings? It turns out that the people who go through the effort to come back to your site to write a review, without being prompted to do so, are disproportionately the unhappy ones – the ones with a complaint to vent. So if you are only capturing reviews from this group, you are over-representing the negative sentiment in your customer base and under-representing your happy customers. When you reduce the barrier to writing reviews by sending customers an email requesting one, you get a review-writing population that is much more representative of the overall sentiment of your customer base. In the case of Jockey, the before-and-after gain of over a half-star across their full catalog is the kind of improvement you might otherwise have to do a product-line refresh to achieve.

So in case the benefits of a much greater volume of reviews aren’t enough to convince you to send out a review solicitation email, keep in mind that you’ll be more accurately showing the positive sentiment of your customer base, too!

Silver Star Brands sees 300% conversion lift from Community Q&A

August 17, 2015 by John Swords

That’s exactly what Ian MacDonald, Director of eCommerce for Silver Star Brands has experienced leveraging TurnTo’s Community Q&A. Ian was looking to improve SEO performance, increase website traffic and lift conversion rates. He thought he’d find an answer using customer-generated content, but he already had ratings and reviews. He needed more.

Ian implemented our Community Q&A and proprietary “Checkout Chatter” products which immediately began creating Customer-Generated Content.

Silver Star Brands’ customers can get quick answers to their questions right on the product detail page from fellow customers, staff experts, and the store’s FAQ content from the help center. To maximize the usefulness of this utility, Ian strategically used an “input teaser” on the product page, enabling shoppers to submit their questions without having to scroll.

Additionally, at the time of purchase, Silver Star Brands’ customers are asked the simple question “Why did you choose this?” TurnTo’s Checkout Chatter enables the company to collect short, positive sentiments from customers, equating to more Customer-Generated Content for their sites that is indexable for search engines.

Here are just a few results Silver Star Brands have realized thus far (a link to the full case study is below):


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As a “bonus” – this incredible volume of Customer-Generated Content from both Q&A and Checkout Chatter is indexed by search engines, which has greatly improved Silver Star Brands’ SEO.

If you’re looking to lift your conversion rates and increase CGC, click here to schedule a demo today. You can read more about Silver Stars Brands’ success in this case study.

Sur La Table promotes “Cart Talk” to its customers through a creative email campaign

July 17, 2015 by John Swords

Collecting great customer-generated content (CGC) is only half the game.  Figuring out how to use it for maximum impact is the other half.  Here’s an example of a brand using a particular type of CGC – what we call “Checkout Chatter” – to power a great email campaign.  Tip-of-the-hat to Sur La Table for their creativity.  We think you’ll find this inspiring.

sur-la-table-emailHere, Sur La Table is building the email around a selection of the checkout comments from their “Cart Talk” pinboard.  They are not only introducing the Cart Talk function of the site, they are making a range of their products look super attractive by augmenting the product images with this particular type of CGC, providing endorsement and social validation.  While customer reviews can be difficult to work into outbound messaging without undermining their authenticity, checkout comments have a different feeling – an immediacy – that makes them well-suited for promotional uses.

Sur La Table’s “Cart Talk” captures customer sentiments at the time of purchase with the simple question, “Why did you choose this?” and turns it into a social share on the site for those still browsing.  Because it is captured at the point of purchase, the sentiment is consistently positive and it is a great asset to build enthusiasm around products – not to mention SEO.

It’s just one piece of the ongoing strategy Kevin Ertell, SVP of Digital at Sur La Table has for building community with customers leveraging product insights contributed by the customers themselves. You can read and hear more about that in our previous blog entry.

Our clients using Checkout Chatter capture these checkout comments from shoppers on up to 15% of all orders. What brand wouldn’t benefit from massive amounts of positive-sentiment user-generated comments about their products that could be easily sprinkled throughout their site?  Empowering customers with the ability to share their thoughts or experience with purchased products helps reassure their fellow shoppers that they will be making a wise decision. And that leads to increased conversion rates.

How Saks Fifth Avenue is Using TurnTo Q&A

October 3, 2014 by John Swords

Saks Fifth Avenue’s Senior Director of Product Management Jordan Lustig sat down with our CEO George recently to discuss how Saks is using TurnTo Q&A.

Saks is always looking for ways to improve their customer experience. They have a fact-based, customer first culture. Content plays an integral part in crafting a great shopping environment, and Saks recognizes that the customer has a voice and wants to use it.

Jordan began the conversation with TurnTo as a way to:

  • Increase the amount of user generated content on the Saks website
  • Create more relevant content
  • Fill in the gaps of product categories that were low in product reviews

jordan screenshot

It was important to Saks for customers to get their questions answered while in the purchase funnel. TurnTo Q&A is able to get shoppers those answers immediately without any staff involvement (through Community Q&A).

In this video, Jordan talks about how impressed he is by the speed of the answers and ability to post those responses in real time.  TurnTo is crowd sourced and reactive, so there is no burden on the Saks staff. And customers love it because they get a quick, informed response to their question that is much more relevant than reviews that can be overly general and time consuming to read.

Saks has seen tremendous success with the program; in fact TurnTo emails drive one of the highest conversion rates across all marketing initiatives. And that lift has not only been from people asking questions, but also those shoppers who are answering and browsing the Q&A content.

An additional benefit to Saks has been the merchandising insights delivered by TurnTo, which Saks credits with bridging product content gaps and uncovering user experience issues.